Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, February 17, 2023


Apparently the revival continues in Wilmore, Kentucky - and has spread to at least one other campus. I'm praying it makes the leap into our churches soon.

I have seen some discussion of whether this revival is genuine or not.

It's a valid question.

When I was a student at Asbury Theological Seminary in the late 90s, I witnessed two revivals - one was genuine and the other ... not so much. 

The first was a smaller version of what has been happening there over the past week and a half and took place in the very same auditorium. How do I know it was the real deal? It was quiet, unassuming, and was marked by repentance and public confession. 

It was beautiful.

The second was at a church on the edge of campus. I don't recall the details, but this "revival" was an extension of a small movement that had started in another town.

I walked to the sanctuary and slipped into a seat in the balcony to see what was going on. 

I left within half an hour. 

This particular stream of "revival" was marked by what people were calling "holy laughter". 

This "holy" laughter - intermittent, raucous guffaws from several individuals in the front pews - was said to be an expression of pure joy in the Lord. 

In reality, holy laughter turned out to be the perfect excuse for attention-seeking narcissists to grab a little time in the spotlight. 

It seemed highly unlikely to me that the Holy Spirit was the one inspiring these individuals to laugh loudly throughout the preaching time.

The difference between these two revivals was obvious to anyone with an ounce of spiritual sensitivity. 

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