Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Recently I pointed out the sad state of American theology - as demonstrated by the shocking responses to a recent poll. Many American Christians were unsure of God's omniscience, His perfection, and even the divinity of Jesus.

My first response was: We need to be teaching more doctrine from the pulpit of every church!

But then I came across the 5 Whys Technique, an approach to problem solving first developed at Toyota decades ago. Once you hear it, it might strike you as common sense: it is simply to keep asking "Why?" until we reach the heart of an issue. 

Too often, when confronted with a problem, we only ask "Why?" once and then run with that answer toward a solution.

In reality, problems most often stem from a deeper place where our quick fix might not even reach.

So using the 5 Whys looks like this:

"American Christians don't know basic theology."

    Why don't they?

"Because they are not learning it on Sunday mornings."

    Why aren't they learning it?

"Upon a bit of reflection, I conclude it's not that doctrine isn't being taught - most sermons ARE propositional, like '7 Principles from the First Chapter of Romans' or 'What the Bible Teaches about Marriage'."

    So again, why aren't they learning it?

"The propositional and doctrinal teaching isn't sticking."

    Why isn't it sticking?

"The propositions are coming secondhand - from the outside. Truth is best learned firsthand. (Read the book, NOT the SparkNotes regarding the book!)"

    Why are the people in the pews not getting their Truth firsthand?

"They aren't reading the Bible for themselves. The propositional teaching from the pulpit serves as an easier substitute."

Therefore: My first kneejerk solution - "Teach more doctrine!" - might actually exacerbate the problem. (Especially if the doctrine is Calvinism, as in the case of the group who commissioned the poll on theology!) 

Maybe what the people in the pews really need from their pastors is guidance, encouragement, and modeling in approaching Scripture daily on their own. 

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