Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, February 12, 2023


Over the past couple of years I have heard many Christians express a critical view of American culture (deservedly so!) and a gloomy forecast for our country's future. 

Most recently, I heard it this morning in Sunday school. A man there said that he told his adult children - (I am paraphrasing) - "I know things are bad, but prepare yourself because they are going to get worse. In fact, as bad as things are right now, just remember that these are the best days you are likely to see in this country."

I can empathize. At times, I can get pessimistic about the future myself. 

It feels like the foundations are being kicked out from under us. Institutions aren't what they used to be, the media can't be trusted to tell us the truth, and so many people aren't even sure about what gender they are anymore. 

Certainty is vanishing. Confusion prevails.

But then ... God!

Did you hear what has been happening this past week on the campus of Asbury University in Kentucky? 

Revival has broken out: Students, professors, and townsfolk have been crowding into the school's chapel to worship God and to hear from Him. 

The most encouraging part of the story is the report of so many college students from other campuses, both Christian and secular, roadtripping to Wilmore, Kentucky to be a part of it. Some of these schools are 5 and 6 hours away.

There is a hunger! 

As our young people are groping around in this present cultural darkness, they are looking for something solid to grab hold of.

We should get our churches prepared. Let's not allow ourselves to get pessimistic about the future. 

The Holy Spirit is a wild card!

Act 17:26-27 - "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us."

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