Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, September 30, 2022


Tonight I have two big projects due for my doctorate classes. For a while, I seriously thought I was going to be able to complete them while I was in Ghana. 

If nothing else, I reasoned, we would have hours of travel in Emmanuel's pick up truck.

It just goes to show I had no idea what to expect out of this trip. Even with all my years in Haiti.

I made an attempt! A couple of days ago, I pulled my laptop out as Emmanuel was driving us from one village to the next. My fingers bounced all over the keypad and the spellchecker lit up the page with its squiggly red lines. 

Fortunately, I recognized my profound misjudgment regarding my homework in time to request an extension from my professors.

And they were both gracious. 


Here's a sampling of the roads we traveled over the last week or so.

A few looked like this:

But not too many and never for long enough.

A lot looked like this:

And some like this:

And we drove down a few that were more like trails through a state park than a place to drive a vehicle:

God bless the men and women who navigate these roads on a daily basis!

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