Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 71 - 2 Sleds that Never Worked (Throw) and Day 72 - A Towel (Throw... Lame, I know)

I'm so tired and distracted right now that it's hard to remember to take something to school to give away each day - Giving at school tends to be the easiest way to keep on track with my downsizing.  Since I didn't take anything yesterday, I found myself in an all too common position:  end of the day and nothing Given, Thrown or Sold.

I hate it when this happens because I am taking this commitment to Give, Throw or Sell daily very seriously.  AND I am hoping that I am running out of time to take this at a leisurely pace.  (When the house sells, I don't want to be in a position where we are throwing things out left and right or, worse, moving them to some new location.  And, of course, I'm hoping it sells quickly.)

So last night I had to run out to the garage to get some blueberries from the freezer and on my way out I picked up a couple of sleds that I bought our kids for Christmas a few years ago and carried them to the trash can.  The sleds were cheap - and totally ineffective for getting a kid down a snowy hillside.  So they took up residence in the garage for years, giving me an easy Throw last night.

Tonight wasn't much better as far as having time to contemplate a decent Give or Throw.  Melissa finally convinced me the other day that the downstairs toilet was running almost constantly.  I seriously had not really noticed.  She kept telling me that our water bills seemed high and that she heard it running, but I always shrugged it off.  Once I finally paid attention, I admitted it needed to be fixed. 

So I wrestled with the toilet tonight.  I took it apart, put the new part in and it leaked.  I had to run to Lowes to get a new gasket and then take it all apart again.  It was a messy, disgusting job.  When I was done, I asked Melissa what to do with the towel I had used to soak up spilled water and to clean ... stuff.  She suggested I make it my Throw of the day.  That's good, because I'm too tired to go searching for a better option.

And now that I'm finished with this, I need to go sanitize the bathroom and check once more for leaks.

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