Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, July 12, 2021


A friend left a thoughtful response to my question the other day regarding how a Calvinist would explain why Jesus says that it is "hard for a rich man to enter heaven" when Scripture teaches predestination. 

Although he is not an avowed Calvinist, he was willing to play "Calvin's advocate" for a few moments and I appreciate what he wrote - mainly because he is a truly sharp individual and he knows his Bible and he's familiar with Calvinist theology. 

But also because it is an unfortunate rarity in this age to find a person who can have an intelligent discussion on differing perspectives without either taking offense or causing offense. This guy is one of those rare birds. 

I wish I had at least 20 more friends/commenters like him. He takes a true "iron sharpening iron" approach towards his brothers and sisters in Christ ... and I could use more sharpening. 

We all could.

(I encourage you to go back and read his response. I have started my reply and plan to finish it tomorrow.)

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