Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, July 12, 2021


An addendum to my points about key false allegations in the Bible and the way Jesus and Paul both fell victim of false charges:

I was making the point that we have a hard time believing the innocence of a person who is forced into a position of denying any sort of allegation. 

Obviously, though, there are many times when we are right to not believe a denial and Scripture relates at least one high profile false denial. Curiously enough, it happens simultaneous to the false allegations against Christ. And it happens three times.

Of course, I am referencing Peter's famous denial of association with Christ on the night of Jesus's arrest. 

Notice that each time Peter is accused of being with Jesus, he grows more adamant in his refusal. By the third time, he even "called down curses upon himself and he swore to them, 'I don't know the man!'" (Matt 26:74)

Confronted with an unpleasant truth and backed into a corner, a human being WILL fluently and convincingly lie to protect himself or herself. 

Peter wept bitterly when he recognized his failing before God. In my experience, though, most people simply will not back down from a lie, once told.

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