Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, June 6, 2022


Twitter can be fascinating and - simultaneously - bad for my mental health.

Here's a recent example. I found the following tweet rather interesting. As a believer, I see the cross being carved over the top of pagan hieroglyphics as deeply symbolic:

But, this being Twitter, there is no chance of harmony in interpretation.

First, I got a chuckle out of an indignant commenter who does not understand that CE in "4th century CE" is what used to be called A.D. and not B.C. - 

But most of the commenters were preoccupied with outrage - for "vandalism" done 17 centuries ago! The last commenter shown here even takes a dig at Islam in the process. 

Check these out:

Being offended on behalf of ancient Egyptians? Evidence of Christianity as "a parasitic evil that corrupts the sacred"?

This is expert-level virtue signaling. 

Self-righteousness is running rampant in our culture. 

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