Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


I was listening to a YouTube debate about Calvinism the other day and the guy arguing against Reformed ideology, a gentleman named Jed Smock, said something like the following:

"Under Calvinism, the punishment for sin is more sin."

That hits the nail on the head!

He was referencing the concept of "original sin".  

All of Adam and Eve's descendants have been born carrying the guilt of Adam's sin. 

This is the so-called "sin nature". As a result of the fall, the thinking goes, God cursed humanity with an inability to do anything but sin.

Plus, now all humans would be born hating God and considering Him an enemy. 

And not only that, but a spiritual deadness which make them 100% unresponsive to any and all Truth as well.

I would never criticize the One True God, but I have to say that the Calvinist god's reaction to Adam and Eve's screw up was a bit over the top.

He managed to make matters much, much worse for everybody concerned, including himself. 

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