It's a good thing that God is the initiator and the central actor in our atonement, restoring our relationship with Him.
Because, when you think about it, our sins always negatively impact somebody - God, other people, ourselves. And making things right in the aftermath - assuming we even desire to do so - is simply impossible.
This reality is easiest to see in the extreme cases: How does one make reparations for murder? for rape? for slavery?
Make an apology? Promise to never do it again? Offer an agreeable amount of money in payment?
Nothing could ever come close to making reparation for these vile offenses. Nothing will bring back the dead, nothing will restore sexual innocence, nothing can compensate for the loss of even a single day of freedom.
Reparations for wicked acts are humanly impossible.
But here's the thing. The far lesser sins have the same issue.
Telling a lie, shoplifting, slandering another person's reputation - none of the damage can ultimately be undone.
There are still serious consequences of even relatively minor sins. We tend to underestimate their gravity- unless WE are the victim!
The situation is hopeless for the sinner. No matter how much regret you might end up feeling, the wrong can never be fully righted.
Thank God for the blood of the Lamb which blots out sin, big and small, and offers a second chance.
It was impossible for us to do it ourselves.
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