Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


I have often heard preachers say that the word "atonement" means "at-one-ment". That it described how humans can become "at one" with God again after that relationship has been broken.

I assumed it was a bit of clever word play that got passed from preacher to preacher.

But, it turns out, the "at-one-ment" explanation is literal. The word was made up by English translators unable to find an adequate existing English word with which to translate the Hebrew word "kippur". 

(You are probably familiar with the Jewish celebration called "Yom Kippur" - the "Day of Atonement".)

From Miriam-Webster online:

Atone has its roots in the idea of reconciliation and harmony. It grew out of the Middle English phrase at one meaning “in harmony,” a phrase echoed in current expressions like “feeling at one with nature.” When atone joined modern English in the 16th century, it meant “to reconcile,” and suggested the restoration of a peaceful and harmonious state between people or groups. Today, atone specifically implies addressing the damage—or disharmony—caused by one’s own behavior.

What's fascinating to me is that the meaning of this key word, like the meaning of "love" and "believe", has been corrupted in English over time. 

It has taken on a meaning very different from the start, morphing almost into its own opposite.  

Miriam-Webster offers 4 main definitions of "atonement", Number 1 being the most common usage:

1 reparation for an offense or injury : satisfaction

In other words, these days, one "atones" for one's own sin. You have to do something to make up for your sin. 

While Number 4 - the more straightforward "reconciliation" - is listed as an "obsolete" usage. In the Bible, reconciliation, of course, is all God's initiative and always at His expense and at the expense of innocent blood. 

Seems like a rather patient and particularly devious trick of Satan to take a word describing how GOD blots out our sins and switch the focus to what WE need to do about our sins. 

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