Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Seattle Trip

Here's what we came for:

My nephew, Jonathan, graduated from high school last night.  The ceremony was beautiful and meaningful.  Too often, graduations I have attended (including my own high school graduation) have been rushed and all too brief.  This one savored the significance of the milestone. 

And beyond the graduation, there have been all sorts of fringe benefits.  Neither Melissa nor I have ever been to this part of the country, so every new experience is such a treat for us.  And my brother Ryan loves to show off this corner of America, so he makes an excellent tour guide.

The rhododendrons are HUGE here and they are all in bloom right now.  This one is in my brother's back yard.

It's a bit treacherous to get to the beach from my brother's house, but it CAN be done.

The kids enjoyed turning over rocks to watch all the tiny crabs scatter.

The Drama Queen was willing to pick up crabs too small to give a her a pinch.

Dats at Gig Harbor.

Gig Harbor panorama.

Uncle Ryan took us to Sluy's Bakery in Poulsbo yesterday.  It made us VERY happy.

Jelly donut for the Princess.  Dats has already finished his apple streudel and is wondering if the Princess will finish her donut or if he will.  A minute later, he did.

On the rock at the harbor of Poulsbo.  It was a slippery rock - I had to pull everybody up.

This is how Dats and Ida have been spending any free time - reading through the complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics.

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