Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Friday, October 4, 2024


In a week and two days, God willing, Melissa, Sarah, and I - and hopefully Grandma Trudy - will be heading to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to visit Hannah. We will be staying at a time share not too far from her apartment. 

Our plan is to drive part of the way after church and arrive at the beach on Monday.

Hannah will be working during the days, so we will have to find ways to occupy ourselves until evenings. Shouldn't be too hard, I imagine. 

Usually I am not too keen on spending time sitting on a beach or by a pool, but I am so desperate right now for a vacation that vegetating sounds absolutely wonderful to me.

The funny thing is that my "need" for a vacation doesn't spring from any particular job stress and it certainly isn't a result of job dissatisfaction. 

I'm just uptight. 

And as I write this tonight, it is helping me put my finger on the problem:

Because I have two main jobs and both offer largely flexible hours - and both could easily be fulltime - I never feel like my work is done. I don't get large chunks of time - like an entire weekend - to turn my attention elsewhere.

Maybe THAT is the appeal of getting out of town for a full week. 

I mean, beyond spending time with my oldest daughter and the rest of my family. ;-)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

35 BUCKS?!

Is this better described as unintentional irony on the part of Hobby Lobby ...

Or intentional chutzpah on the part of the Chinese?

Can you imagine what good could be accomplished if every Christian in this country took the money they "budgeted" for Christmas presents, decorations, and food and spent it on Kingdom work instead?

I suppose there's a good chance it would crash the world economy, though.

So what can you do? 

P.S. I just realized the punctuation is off. It's missing a comma and one set of quotation marks. How could anyone buy this??? 

(And how did I not notice when I saw this on the shelf? My English teacher radar must be getting rusty.)