Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Sunday, February 18, 2024


A church member posed a question to me by text this evening that she thought would be an interesting topic for a Bible study:

How do I distinguish God's voice from my own? 

It's a very good question and one I have been wondering myself lately. 

For example, I am reading a book by a man who founded a ministry for women who have escaped from sex trafficking. 

Long before the Lord spoke to him about this new ministry, the author was learning to discern God's voice while serving as the pastor of a local church. 

He tells of having lunch at a restaurant when he felt the Holy Spirit whisper to him that a revival was going to break out at his church the coming Sunday.

His path home from the restaurant passed the house of a couple who had stopped attending his church regularly. As he approached their home, the Holy Spirit again "whispered" to him, this time telling him to stop and tell the couple that revival was coming. 

At first he drove past, convinced it was just his own voice, but as he continued down the road, he felt convicted and turned around.

The couple said they would be there!

And, yes, revival broke out by the end of the week.

It's a great story - but how does one know with certainty the difference between God's still small voice and his own random thoughts or wishful thinking? 

What do you say? What is your experience?

Are there Bible passages or stories that you believe address this issue?

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