This is the longest I've gone without writing something on this blog... and I have to admit that I kinda miss it! (And it's only been a couple of days!) It's become a normal part of my routine, even though it doesn't ever fall at a regular time on my schedule. It helps so much for me to do a bit of writing every day or so.
(I try to convince my students that writing has value even beyond contributing to academic and career success - it's a great personal exercise for life in general. My 8th graders didn't buy it. I gave them 20 minutes to write a "journal" entry of their choosing and at least a third wrote about how useless journal writing is and how boring school is! Sad...)
Anyway, two things have kept me away from the keyboard recently. 1) I'm feeling sickly. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, TIREDNESS. And 2) We are spending extra hours on play practice. Opening Night for "12 Angry Jurors" is just three days away. Tomorrow is dress rehearsal, Thursday we are taking some down time because several cast members have other activities going on then, and on FRIDAY the curtain goes up at 7:00 PM sharp.
So this ends up being a stressful week. It will all come together in the end, though. It is nice to sit back sometimes and recognize that all I'm sweating are piddly details - all the big stuff, the important stuff, the ETERNAL stuff - is in much more competent Hands than mine...
P.S. Just because I haven't written, does not mean I have not kept my commitment to Throw, Give or Sell on a daily basis. I have kept on top of it and even taken pictures ... just haven't written all of them up yet. I'll get caught up soon.
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