One of the few good things about February is this: it's a great month to stay inside and read!
After recently picking up Becoming Whole by Fikkert and Kapic, my boss at Mission Resource instantly became a spokesman for the book. (The subtitle is Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn’t the American Dream.)
Dave recommended it to me and now I see what he saw: a striking confirmation of Mission Resource’s out-of-the-ordinary approach to poverty alleviation.
The authors write, “The goal [of ministry among the poor] isn’t to turn Zimbabwe into the United States or to turn decaying neighborhoods into wealthy suburbs. Rather, the goal is to turn all these places into the New Jerusalem [as found in Revelation 21].”
Fikkert and Kapic explain that material poverty is merely one symptom of an even more pressing relational poverty affecting all of humanity. It is only within the Kingdom of God that we - and those we minister to through Mission Resource loans – find wholeness, purpose, and true wealth.
One unique feature of our approach that doesn't get a lot of attention is the fact that we are working through local churches in Ghana - not usurping them.
As important as putting food on a table is, the goal of Mission Resource on behalf of the individuals, families, and churches that we serve has always been much greater than a paycheck.
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