Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Recently, my boss at Mission Resource, Dave, got all excited about a book on the topic of effective ministry among the poor: Becoming Whole by Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic. 

The subtitle is Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn't the American Dream.

Fikkert is best known as the co-author with Steve Corbett of When Helping Hurts, a book that I found frustrating.

At least in the first edition. 

I felt that When Helping Hurts made beneficial ministry among the poor seem so complicated, and well-intentioned-yet-harmful actions so unpredictable, that many readers would give up trying to help at all. 

So I wasn't overly enthusiastic about Dave's recommendation of the newer book.

But it turned out to be an incredibly pleasant surprise.

Becoming Whole doesn't just shine light on basic pitfalls in charitable work. It traces those failings back to a weak foundation within American Evangelicalism itself. 

And I think Fikkert and Kapic nail it. 

Of course, it could just be a case of confirmation bias on my part - they conclude the Church struggles with poverty ministry based on her own impoverished understanding of the gospel: a give-your-heart-to-Jesus-then-wait-to-go-to-heaven message instead of a full-bodied exploration of redeemed humans operating here and now as restored Image Bearers in the growing Kingdom of God. 


Not only will the book help us clarify best practices within Mission Resource, it has also given me fuel for my dissertation work. 

That's a real win-win. 

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