Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Yesterday I wrote about my funk and how I wonder if it might be depression. A dear brother in Christ commented:

"I don't know the answer to that question but I love you, brother. Make sure you're covering the essentials (exercise, good diet, friendship, time with the Lord). If those are covered and don't help, it's worth seeking out a professional counselor." 

I think those are pretty wise words. 

I've got 3 out of those 4 "essentials" pretty well in hand: 

    - I exercise on a regular basis.

    - My diet isn't perfect, but I am pretty sure it is far better than the standard American diet (SAD 😉). 

    - My time with the Lord is healthy. Actually, I don't know that it has ever been stronger or more consistent than it currently is. 

But that other essential - friendship - that one feels like it has been lacking for YEARS.

It's not that I don't have some very good friends currently. I just don't necessarily have the kind of strong, deep friendships I've known and enjoyed in the past. 

When I think about it, my deepest friendships are all associated with various stages in my schooling:

  • Pete in grade school and junior high.
  • Mike, Tim, and Scott in high school.
  • Mark in college.
  • Tim and Jamie in seminary.

I guess I have found it difficult to find and properly maintain and grow friendships since moving into the "married adult" stage of life. I don't think I am at all unique in this respect. At least, not among men. 

(Somehow women seem to have an easier time of nurturing friendships even during - and maybe even especially during - the busy, stressful, married with kids stage of life. 

How do they do that?)

Maybe I need to go back to school! 

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