Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Judging from clickbait stories on conservative media platforms, many American Christians seem to think the major fronts in the "culture wars" are places like the local public library where Christians must take up arms to push back against the advances of squads of drag queens with their story hours. 

But it seems to me that as the salt and light of the church wanes, there will be much worse ramifications than men in giant, outlandish wigs and overdone makeup reading books to a group of children. (As bad as that may be.)

I see two growing trends that point to the lessening of the church's influence. They go hand in hand and will result in widespread destruction if allowed to continue unchecked: The rise of self-righteousness and the decline of forgiveness. 

Have you noticed? It's culture-wide and it's truly ugly.

Drag Queen Story Hour is small potatoes. 

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