Tomorrow we finish our three weeks of what OMS calls Cross Training. We have been living in an apartment on the campus of the OMS headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana and spending each weekday in class with over twenty other folks heading to various mission fields. Our class represented not just America, but Northern Ireland and New Zealand and our fields stretch from Haiti to Spain to India and beyond. Our teachers have covered everything from spiritual gifts to cultural sensitivity, mental health to holiness, and on-the-field security issues to conflict management. Our kids have been in classes too, and enjoyed several field trips, along with 11 other missionary-kids-to-be.
Between classes, we have enjoyed coffee and cookies, walks around campus, wading in the creek, and a picnic about every other night. We've heard each other's testimonies and calls to fields of service and we have worshipped and studied the Bible together. It's been so very refreshing... and tiring!
The girls (and the rest of us) enjoyed having a bit more space than we have been used to during the last two years at Grandma's house. Our apartment had two bathrooms! Wahoo! |
At the midway point in our three weeks, there was an all-afternoon carnival. That's Hannah in the dunk tank, about to go down. |
Fellow classmate, Mike, took full advantage of the face painting during the carnival. I believe that's an angry bird on his cheek. |
Like all the other kids, Samuel got plenty of use out of the inflatable slip-n-slide that day, and his little buddy, Luke, did too. |
Every now and then - when there wasn't a picnic or a dinner invitation from a local missionary - we got to cook our own dinner in the apartment. |
One of the greatest blessings of our three weeks was getting to know the Heckmans, a family also heading to Haiti. They'll be just down the road from us by the end of August, working full-time on the campus of Emmaus Biblical Seminary. One evening last week we had the chance to show them a bit of downtown Indy, which was fun for us since they hail from New Jersey. (Emily stresses the fact that their home is in SOUTH Jersey, not the reality-TV-show part of the state!) |
Sunday morning worship at Southland with the Heckmans and the Hills. I loved how Luke Hill wanted to hold Sammy's hand on the way to the front doors. |
Sarah practiced her coconut tree climbing skills in her spare time. |
The Heckmans sharing their testimonies in chapel - as each of us had the opportunity to do. All of the folks working at headquarters gather each Tuesday and Thursday morning for chapel, so there were a lot more people in attendance than this photo would imply - even missionaries won't sit in the front row during a worship service! |
Plenty of food on hand at every break! |
One evening we had a special visit from our friends from Columbus, the Combs. It was a great opportunity for our kids to introduce old friends to new and vice versa! |
Four square on the tennis court. |
Today the kids found a baby bird that had fallen out of a nest. Sarah couldn't wait to show all her little friends. She cried tonight at the thought of leaving them all tomorrow! |
We took lots of walks around campus in a vain attempt to drop some of the calories we were consuming day by day. Good exercise and good conversation - can't beat that! |
I'll close with a word picture that came to mind a week ago that seems fitting for this summer, especially as Cross Training ends:
I pictured myself running, running, running. Sweat is pouring off my forehead. My side is hurting. Both legs feel wobbly. I start thinking, "I'm not gonna make it. I need water." I am on the verge of giving up, but then someone yells encouragement at me:
"Keep going! Don't stop now...
you're almost to the STARTING line!"
Cross Training has been that refreshing water we needed to keep going. It ends tomorrow with a special commissioning service in the afternoon and then we'll all head our separate ways. I'm sure it will be bittersweet.
Now for the final warm-ups and stretching. The starting line is fast approaching: Tuesday, August 13th!
P.S. If you are willing to pray for us, our most pressing concern right now is the house. Yes ... STILL! No buyer or renter lined up yet! Time grows short. We are trusting that God has an awesome solution in the works already.
OMS...One More Snack :) Glad you guys had such a great three weeks! See you soon!