Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We survived (and enjoyed!) a busy and GOOD weekend at Cowman School and it was all about the parents. 

Friday night (Valentine's Day) brought a "Parents' Night Out" - a special meal and program for couples. 

The evening itself, of course, was the culmination of hours of work behind the scenes.  And that work started several days in advance.  A visiting mission team from Erie, Pennsylvania, joyfully put in a lot of hours prepping lasagna, garlic bread, salad and cupcakes.  Melissa served in organizing the whole process and, of course, in the cooking as well.

Did I mention how "joyfully" the visiting team served?

Being Cowman parents ourselves, we looked forward to the opportunity to sit down to the meal while the Erie team took care of all the serving.  In Haitian culture, an event like this is a good excuse to dress up, so we went all out.  I even cleaned the mold off my dressiest black shoes!

When we arrived at the radio station, the Erie team was putting the final touches on the tables in anticipation of the arrival of 35 couples.

The placemats for each couple had been created at school by their own kid(s).  In the foreground is Sarah's work and in the back is Hannah's.

In the kitchen, the food was readied for presentation ... joyfully.


Our principal, Angie Bundy, had lots to smile about, too.  This event was her brainchild and the whole thing could not have gone more smoothly.

The food and company around the tables was impeccable.  And all was going well, until my good "friend" and co-worker, James Israel, rigged the selection process for a bit of Newlywed-Game-style competition after the meal.  It's an understatement to say I am not one for quick thinking on the spot.  Melissa and I lost. Big time. I got into trouble because I couldn't remember which of us was the first to say "I love you".  (It was me ... apparently.)  James, for his part, enjoyed every moment of my squirming on stage.

The evening ended with some inspiring words from Pastor Derek Sanford, from the Erie church group, about the nature of true love and what it looks like within a solid, biblical marriage.
The next morning brought another event for parents.  Pastor Derek was again up front, this time presenting seminars on two crucial topics: one on effective disciplining of children and one on how to speak to our kids about sex.  And the team from his church was, once again, on duty behind the scenes making sure everything went smoothly.
There was plenty of food...

... and wonderfully on-target teaching (presented in English by Derek and then translated into Creole by James)...

... and constructive and lively discussions around each table.

Which was such a GREAT blessing.  Apparently, in past years when such training opportunities as this one were offered, few parents took advantage of the events.  So Angie went out on a limb this year and required attendance as a condition for re-enrollment for the upcoming school year, even though she took a bit of flack for it, I'm sure. BUT if any parents participated in the weekend's activities grudgingly, it certainly didn't show.  I witnessed - and experienced firsthand myself - only abundant fellowship, laughter and learning.

Cowman School exists to glorify Christ not only by serving our students, but their families as a whole. And THAT is what this weekend was all about. 

And speaking of glorifying Christ, Saturday's training ended gloriously with a new birth!  After the final seminar, a mother of one of my students came forward to pray with Pastor Derek and Pastor James and to begin a new life with Jesus. Hallelujah!

It doesn't get any better than that!

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