Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pure South Dakota

I still intend to write about the paraplegic woman I saw walking - but that doesn't come until we get to Iowa, and I still have pictures from South Dakota to post.  My dad was from South Dakota originally and most of our family vacations were spent here when I was a kid, so South Dakota holds a very special place in my heart. 

I've already written about our perfect day in the Black Hills during our drive back East from Seattle in June, but I also need to include a few other pics from the following days. 

You have to make a stop at Wall Drug store in Wall, South Dakota when passing through the state - it's the law.  Four of us are riding a giant jackalope. 

On our way to my Uncle Spencer's house, we had just enough time to squeeze in a quick loop through the Badlands.  The wildlife and the scenery did not disappoint.

This is what we loved about the Black Hills and Badlands - ample climbing possibilities.  And you have to hand it to The Princess (age 5) who was determined to go ANYWHERE her older brothers and sister went.


But it's exhausting keeping up with your older siblings...

We reached Mitchell just in time for a cookout at Uncle Spencer and Aunt Kathy's house.  Uncle Spencer is looking more and more like my dad did.

They were kind enough to put us up for the night in a local hotel - with a pool. 

The next morning we took a tour of the family business - to see the latest changes.  Never thought I'd see the day when you could buy a flatscreen 3D TV at my aunt and uncle's store!

Uncle Spencer and Aunt Kathy took us to lunch at a local family restaurant.  We were joined by my cousin Jenny's three kids.  The last time we were through Mitchell, Jenny's youngest, Anna, and our Drama Queen (now 10) were two babies crawling around together.

Just across the street from the world's only Corn Palace. 

Can't believe somebody hasn't franchised this idea...  The outside of the building is covered in murals created from bits of corn cobs.

Inside is the local high school basketball gym! - and a few more corn murals, like this one depicting Mt. Rushmore.  Now THAT is pure South Dakota.

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