Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Monday, October 10, 2011


My primary objective in writing on this blog is to sort through my own thoughts - especially relating to the experience of being a missionary-in-waiting, which is what Melissa and I have been, to one degree or another, for almost an entire year now.  What I am finding lately is, that at this point in the process, EVERYTHING in my life seems to be related to that experience. 

In other words, the reality of being a missionary-in-waiting is the backdrop for nearly all else in my life:  the joys and the stresses, how I spend my time and money, and definitely my prayers and devotional life. 

The Princess (age 4) has taken up a new habit in the last two months or so:  when she sees a commercial on TV for the latest plastic toy from China, she blurts out, "I WANT that!"  Each time I hear it, I think A) She sure says that in the cutest way and B)  I personally DON'T want that ... because we don't have the money or space for it ... because we're trying to get the family to Haiti. 

Even our morning schedule is a reminder that I am an M-in-W, since the whole point of us moving in with my mother-in-law is to pay off debt before entering the mission field fulltime, and this move, in turn, has had very prominent repercussions on our daily schedule.  I've been thinking of capturing the routine in photos to post here, because I know "this too shall pass", and someday it will be just a vague memory unless I've written it down.

The simple act of checking email also reminds me of where we're going.  I get regular emails from folks at OMS now, especially as we anticipate a web-based training on fundraising that starts this Saturday morning and runs for three weeks.  There's homework for this class.  I actually have it done early for this first session because I know how a week can get away from you.

Morning devotions are also performed with our mission in the back of my mind.  I am currently reading through II Corinthians.  And when I came across 1:16 yesterday, Paul's appeal for financial help (which I wouldn't have even noticed a year ago) now jumped out at me:  Paul writes that he hopes to come to Corinth from Macedonia in order to "come to you, and by you to be helped on my journey to Judea."  So I make a mental note that Paul did not hesitate to give advanced notice to some brothers and sisters in Christ that he was needing financial support to continue the plans God had called him to. 

Another reminder of our plans to move to Haiti:  watching our kids.  They continue to amaze me and make me proud when I observe how flexible they are.  The four of them - ranging in age from 4 to 10 - are sleeping in two bunk beds in a tiny bedroom, but I haven't heard any complaints from them. (Arguments?  yes... a few.  But no general complaints.) 

Even their willingness to clean their plates or try new food reminds me that we are all missionaries-in-waiting.  They showed a real willingness to try novel foods while we were in Haiti in July - especially when it came to fruit.  The other night, after a cool autumn day, Melissa served a soup we hadn't had for some time:  Italian sausage with zucchini and yellow squash.  The Princess picked at some of the yellow squash and announced, "I don't want the LEMONS!" 

We laughed and Melissa replied, "Those aren't lemons." 

"Then what are they?"


"Squashed WHAT?"

So every day is filled from beginning to end with reminders that we are missionaries-in-waiting.  It's not a bad thing at all, but as Tom Petty once stated, "The waiting is the hardest part."

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