December 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
Melissa and I wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas! We trust 2025 will find you and yours securely in the palm of God’s hand.
2024 has been a rollercoaster. On the upside, our family saw two college graduations (Hannah from Olivet and Samuel from Ball State), another trip to Ghana for Steve, a couple of trips to Myrtle Beach and one to New Jersey, some fun house and yard projects, our nephew’s wedding in Milwaukee, and numerous show choir performances with Sarah. On the downside, though, Melissa’s mother has spent the year fighting advanced colon cancer. At this point, Trudy has exhausted all chemo options. All our focus now is on spending as much quality time together as possible.
Melissa and I find ourselves entering a new stage of life. The three oldest kids live and work out of state and the youngest is ready to start her final semester of high school. Getting all six of us together is becoming more difficult, but we were blessed to do it on Easter and Thanksgiving and we will have everyone together for a few days over Christmas, too.
Here are the updates:
Caleb, 23 – Finished his time at Fort Moore in Georgia and moved to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. He earned his Expert Soldier pin in September and was recently promoted to First Lieutenant. Outside of military life, he is sharing a rental house with a friend, attending a local church small group, and will soon start serving as a “Big Brother” to a local kid.
Hannah, 22 – Graduated from Olivet in May and moved to Myrtle Beach in August to start her career in interior design with a small firm called iQ Designs. It is her dream job and she is loving her new life and feeling quite blessed. Best of all, she took Ginger with her. 😉
Samuel, 21 – Graduated from Ball State University in May and took a third summer to sell books door to door for Southwestern Advantage. In October Samuel moved to Holly Springs, Georgia, just north of Atlanta, where he is sharing a house with some friends from the book field. He has started working with a company that markets, designs, and maintains websites for businesses.
Sarah, 17 (18 in January!) – Is dancing her way through her senior year. She is in two separate show choirs at Columbus North High School while also performing with a dance troupe in nearby Franklin. She plans to apply to Indiana University to study interior design and ceramics. We know her next semester will fly by with show choir competitions, the school musical, and a spring break youth mission trip to El Salvador.
In May, Melissa successfully wrapped up her first year back in first grade only to be granted a new and “challenging” class this fall. It has taken some time, but she is seeing positive advances in behavior and learning. Much of Melissa’s “spare time”, of course, has been spent tending to her mother’s needs. Having a student teacher in class this semester made it a little easier to get away from school when needed.
I have been with Mission Resource for three years now and Sardinia Baptist for nearly two – and I still find both incredibly fulfilling. I was baptized in March, so I am officially an American Baptist now (as well as a child of God!). In August I started a side job teaching English to local adult immigrants two nights a week. A third of my class is Haitian, so that’s fun. Meanwhile, I am making slow but steady progress on my dissertation project - though I don’t foresee finishing the degree before May of 2026 now.
Time is flying more quickly with each passing year - while our valuation of good friends and family increases at the same pace. Hopefully, 2025 will bring us opportunities to reconnect face to face with some distant loved ones. And we pray that the New Year brings blessings and life abundant your way!
God Bless,
Steve, Melissa & the (grown up) Kids
P.S. Next summer brings our 25th wedding anniversary!