Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


What would it take to push our current American culture towards valuing - perhaps even celebrating - changing one's mind? Could we brand it as "rethinking" rather than "flip-flopping" or "being inconsistent" or "lacking conviction"? 

Maybe a good slogan would help.  "Second thoughts are often better thoughts."

Would it take support groups where adults sit in a circle and confess to each other, "Sometimes I'm wrong"?

Perhaps we would need to start early in grade schools with curriculum teaching cognitive biases and logical fallacies. And how to recognize the soft spots in our own thinking.

And maybe someday we will live in a society where Facebook fights are rare and they always end in "I see where you're coming from" rather than "Just shut up, you brain-dead troll!" 

What would it take?

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