A few weeks ago, I sat with one of my 8th grade girls, conferencing over a five paragraph essay. (Yes, I employ this traditional torture device on my students.)
I complimented this young lady on her writing style and clarity - the best I had seen among my Haitian students.
At one point I said, "Your writing is especially amazing for a student working in English as a second language."
She said, "Oh, English isn't my second language - it's my first."
"I don't understand - were you born in the States?"
"No. I've never been to the States," she smiled shyly.
"Then how is English your first language?" I asked.
"Well, my dad learned English at university here in Haiti and when I was born, he spoke nothing but English to me from the time I was a baby. I only learned Creole from my environment as I grew."
"And why did your father do THAT?" I inquired (cluelessly!).
She shrugged and responded, "So I could go to Cowman!"
I was floored. Now THAT is a parent who is thinking ahead and THAT is a parent who truly values a Christian education in the English language for his daughter!
And he knew exactly where to find it.
Melissa and I continue to be excited about the great work going on at Cowman International School here in Vaudreuil, Haiti. There is nowhere else in this world we'd rather be serving. And we are reminded daily that our family is here only through the generosity of people like you!
Thank you!!
If this post reaches anybody who would be interested in initiating monthly support for our ministry here ... or making a special year end gift ... this text LINKS to our page at the OMS website where user-friendly drop boxes will walk you through the process. We thank Jesus Christ for you and we appreciate your generosity more than we can say.
And we thank you on behalf of all the remarkable families of Cowman.

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