I didn't know what to expect, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that the day really felt like a HOLIDAY ... with a few significant differences.
SAME: Day off equals opportunity to run.
DIFFERENT: Sweating profusely in November as I ran with Ruysdael and Mikenn on the main road into Cap Haitien, dodging goats, crazy people and cow pies in the middle of the sidewalk.

SAME: The rest of the morning was spent in the kitchen, prepping food for a big lunchtime pitch-in. Melissa's contributions included homemade noodles ...

Some of which got fried in butter, like my mom used to do. It was our kids' first time to try noodles this way. They couldn't get enough!

DIFFERENT: Out with the pumpkin pie and in with the banana cream!

SAME: Working hard to keep ahead of the dishes!

SAME: Extra tables to seat a big crowd. Table set with great care. Matt and Stacey Ayars hosted at their home on the campus of Emmaus Biblical Seminary just 15 minutes down the road from where we live.

SAME: Kids come running when lunch is announced.

SAME: An incredible spread of food. Turkey, ham, green bean casserole, yams, and pies.
DIFFERENT: This was the first time in three months that we had enjoyed most of these foods. Much of it was special ordered or sent in care packages - right down to the fried onions on top of those green beans! This results in normal holiday overeating times two.

SAME: Little kids' table - with adorable, eager faces.

SAME: "Big" kids' table - with hungry, growing tweens and teens.

DIFFERENT: Our hostess, Stacey, had taken the time to decorate our placemats with quotes from famous people and verses from Scripture concerning Gratitude. Before the meal, we each read aloud the words at our spot.

DIFFERENT: We weren't with family. Many of these people we didn't even know three months ago.
SAME: Sure felt like family!
DIFFERENT: Our host, Matt, led us in singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" before the prayer. Beautiful and meaningful and perfect.
SAME: Heartfelt prayer for all God has provided for us.
SAME: Kids go first!
SAME: I couldn't eat another bite...
SAME: When is dessert?
SAME: Looking for a place to take a nap.
DIFFERENT: It's 80 degrees outside - go out and play. Frisbee, volleyball, badminton.

SAME: Somebody saved the turkey neck, heart, and liver for me! You can't grasp how much I love turkey necks. It's something I picked up from my father. It felt like a private little wink and nod from God just to me.

SAME: Group picture! I love how perfectly imperfect this photo is. (If you're looking for our kids in this herd, check out H, first upside down N, K and second G.)

We thank God for all of you - on "special" days and "average" days - who lift us up in prayer, who encourage us with words and gifts, and who give sacrificially to allow us to minister in this special place.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Heart and liver how gross well happy Thanksgiving