Therefore Having Gone

Therefore Having Gone

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

So many of my most recent posts have been VERY wordy, so it's a good time to pause and post some pictures from this past week.  As you know, we are trying to see if we can move our family to the Haiti in January.  (And it's a bit stressful, with December hitting by the end of this week, not knowing for sure whether we have a major life change coming after the first of the year.)  But we feel very sure that if we don't make it to Haiti in January, we will most likely head there in August of 2013 in order to start the 2013/2014 school year.

Which means that this will likely be the last Thanksgiving we celebrate in Indiana for quite a while.  That idea has definitely been in the forefront of my mind these last few days, and it tends to make me pause to "soak it in" a bit more frequently than past years.

So here are some pictures of some of the moments I soaked in over Thanksgiving.

Our Thanksgiving started with Melissa's annual kindergarten class program.

They performed several songs in the "commons" at her school.  All the kids were so cute in their little homemade pilgrim headware.

And then a line of kids recited a poem based on the letters in "THANKSGIVING".
 Our own little Princess received the letter G.  (I think the teacher rigged it!)  "G is for Grandmas, the ones that we love!"
The Princess with the Grandmas she loves... Both Grandmas made it to the program, so The Princess was very excited.  Even her brothers and sister were able to leave class in order to watch.
Dats, on the other hand, had a speech to perform where he was supposed to dress as a turkey.  We made him do a dress rehearsal for the family.  Colored duct tape put to good use.

Can you tell how thrilled The Drama Queen is about being taller than her mom?  She passed Melissa just a few months ago and now she's clearly several inches beyond.  Both beautiful ladies are barefoot in this picture.

This was one of my favorite moments from the past week.  Dats (age 11) and Ida (age 9) snuck off on Thanksgiving Day between big meals to carve tree branches with sharp rocks.  They sat together on the edge of the field behind Grandma's house for over an hour, chatting and scraping. 
They will get along just fine in Haiti!

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