All of the numerous other items that will truly mark this room as a laboratory are coming "One Day".

Finally, (and Mrs. Love says this might be the top priority in many ways) One Day the floor of the Science Lab will be tiled.

Our sweet first graders, our principal, our secretaries, our junior and senior high students all await that One Day when tile covers their rough, concrete floors too.

All of these things and many others are on a waiting list because Cowman doesn't currently possess the resources even to construct the next few classroom walls we'll need by next school year, much less this substantial punch list. But we trust the Lord will provide.
Maybe you can guess why I am telling YOU all of this. We have learned over the past 5 years that the Lord most often provides what is needed for His Kingdom work through the generosity of His people.
I am sure that you, like me, know Haiti is a place of deep hurt, great needs and plenty of injustice, but maybe you're skeptical of whether anything will ever change here. I want to reassure you that One Day life will be truly different here in Haiti.
If you'd be tempted to give if only you were as certain of positive outcomes, let me humbly suggest an approach that can truly make a lasting difference: Invest in Education.
Cowman now serves 181 students who are being prepared to be world changers. Our goal as teachers and administration is to give them an educational experience that is second to none, to the glory of God.
Listed below are several projects waiting for a completion date. Would you look over this list prayerfully and consider the possibility that the Lord might use YOU to bring One Day closer to Cowman School and to all of Haiti?
A few possibilities:
Project 1: Dry Erase Boards
(Cost amounts for each project piece is a current "best guess"; some factors, like customs taxes on imported materials, are always wildcards!)
1A - Ms. Kacie's First Grade Classroom - $500
1B - Mr. Adam's History Classroom - $500
1C - Mr. Gross' English Classroom - $500
Project 2: Tile Floors
2A - Tile for Ms. Kacie's First Grade Room - $2,500
2B - Tile for Main Office - $2,500
2C - Tile for Science Lab - $2,500
2D to 2G - Tile the Other Classrooms and hall of the 2nd Floor
- roughly $10,000
Project 3: Furnish the Science Lab
3A - Fume Hood - $3,000
3B - 6 Lab Tables with Epoxy Countertops - $1,500
3C - 24 Lab Stools - $1,500
3D - Cabinetry- $2,500
3F - Sinks and Fixtures - $1,000
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed and "Giving Tuesday" is upon us. If you are feeling prompted by the Spirit to support the work of Cowman School on behalf of Christ's Kingdom and the future of Haiti, we would be so grateful. And LIVES WILL BE CHANGED.
Perhaps you are in a position to take care of one of these projects from your own budget or perhaps you'd be willing to spearhead a fundraiser with your Sunday school class or bring Cowman before your church's mission committee. Whatever your support might look like, I ask you to take one simple step right now:
Email me at sgross@onemissionsociety.org and share with me what you are thinking and how you might be able to contribute to the realization of One Day. Then I will gladly share with you information on taking further steps.
If, on the other hand, you simply want to directly give a gift to be used toward the general construction fund, you can do that at this website.