Simply put: We need help! Cowman continues to grow. Six years ago there were 23 students. Today, 137. There is definitely a growing market for Christ-centered learning in the English language here in the northern part of Haiti. Currently we offer classes for 3-year-olds through 9th grade and we are adding the high school grades one year at a time. God willing, our own Caleb will be among the first class to graduate from "Cowman High School" in the spring of 2019.
As we grow, Cowman is sending out pleas for teachers - trained or willing to be trained - available for 2 weeks, 3 months or 5 years (and all time spans in between). Today, two-thirds of our teaching staff (head teachers and aides) are Haitian nationals, but very few of them have formal training in education, so it is imperative that we have some extra help to support those who are learning on the job.
The "on-the-job-training" started Melissa's first semester here in Haiti when the Lord sent Rose to be her teacher's aide. At the time Melissa was teaching a combined Kindergarten and 1st grade class. Although Rose had no formal training in education (she had worked at the airport!), Melissa quickly recognized a God-given gift in her. She stopped treating Rose like an aide and started treating her like a student teacher.
They quickly became good friends and in time Rose became an excellent teacher in her own right.
We want to see that scenario repeated again and again into the future.

Melissa is especially keen on finding more help for Cowman so she can focus on the teacher training. She has been working as the lead 3rd grade teacher this year while also training a dozen staff members while guiding lesson planning and writing curriculum for our four youngest grade levels. She's tired!

Currently, she is also training a young man with potential, Ronald, to take over the 3rd grade position in the future.

Melissa did have a bit of a respite back in November and December when she had a wonderful student teacher named Kacie enter her 3rd grade classroom for a few weeks. (This really freed Melissa up to focus on the preschool program for a time.)
Which reminds me: we'd love to see more student teachers come to Cowman! If you know of college students nearing the end of a teaching degree, give them our info.

If you - or someone you know - has even an inkling of interest in joining in this incredible ministry, for any length of time, contact us and let's talk! I will put contact info near the end of this post.

Qualified applicants must only have a love for Christ, a love for kids, and the gifts of flexibility and patience. [No prior love for Haiti is necessary as this will develop quickly once you arrive! ;-) And remember that if you have a fear of big spiders, God will watch over you. ]
Here are a few of Cowman's needs - ongoing or coming very soon:
Additional Teacher Trainer - all aspects of teaching, from lesson planning to classroom management - short term or long
Special Education - long term
Music Instruction - short or long term
Art Instruction - short or long term
High School Level Social Studies, Math and Science - long term
(We know of at least one person who is in the process of funding to come fill this need, but we're going to need more help in order to make sure our students will be college ready at the very highest of standards.)
Ultimately, our hope rests in God. He knows the need and we trust that he will bring the right people at the right time. (He certainly has before.) If his Spirit is nudging yours, don't hesitate to move forward!
I know it will make Melissa smile.
Contact us on Facebook: Steve or Melissa Gross
Contact us by email:
Contact us by phone: 011-509-3401-5221
Contact us by mail: Unit #1029-OMS
3170 Airmans Dr.
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
You'd be hard-pressed to find a better place to serve!
If I could end with a few prayer requests related to our staffing needs, we would much appreciate your help in lifting these to the Lord:
- Our lead kindergarten teacher leaves the middle of this coming week, heading to the States to have her baby. She doesn't intend to return to Cowman until some time in May. We have a dear friend coming to stand in the gap, but she won't be here until the end of February. (Can't wait to see you again, Valorie!) This will leave Melissa jumping between training duties, teaching Kindergarten and 3rd grade, all day every day, for about three weeks. Pray for strength and wisdom.
- The Love family is raising funds to come help at Cowman. Pray that the Lord blesses their efforts and provides for all their needs as they seek to serve Him here. We'd love to see them at the start of next school year.
- We recently had the pleasure of meeting a retired couple, Bob and Esther, who have experience in school administration (the financial side) and nursing, respectively. They are praying over the possibility of coming to Haiti a few months out of each year. Please pray that God would direct their steps and plans. They would be a great help to Cowman, undoubtedly.
- Finally, construction is moving forward in preparation for greater classroom needs during next school year. The roof on the new dining area is finished and next we hope to start a new foundation for additional classrooms. Pray for safety, funding and timelines!