Melissa and I figured it was a win/win. We could certainly use a little time away from our "norm" and there was really NOTHING our kids were needing ... or even asking for. (In their words, "We don't have any commercials to tell us what we need!" And, anyway, Haiti would be a terrible place for anything like a hoverboard ... unless it actually, you know, hovered.) Besides, anything we "Amazon in" costs their shipping fees PLUS nearly two dollars a pound for the flight from Florida PLUS unpredictable customs charges at the airport.
Furthermore, Melissa, as Chief Shopper for the family, reasoned that we could offset the cost of the trip by stocking up on groceries in the DR, where food tends to be much cheaper and where we can find things (like an entire turkey breast) that simply don't exist in Cap Haitien.
(OK, technically there ARE a few turkey breasts nearby, but they are covered in feathers, owned by our neighbors, and a LONG way from being ready for slicing as lunch meat.)
The Heckman and Ayars families had already found a great, reasonably priced, all-inclusive resort in Puerto Plata, had planned their own getaway and were kind enough to let us tag along. The only part I was not looking forward to was the drive there and back: two hours to the border, an hour plus of hassle AT the border and then three more hours across the northern DR.
Slowing down for hundreds of random speed bumps, passing and being passed on countless curves, dodging potholes, dogs, cows and motorcyclists...
But only one incident of a town with tires burning in the road, policing approaching from behind our vehicle with guns drawn, then opening fire on the protesters, prompting Melissa to yell, "Kids - get your heads down!" Within a few minutes water was being thrown on the tires and we were waved through to continue on our way! (The kids could hardly wait to tell the grandmas...)
But it was worth all the driving stress once we arrived!
Family selfie on the beach:
The beach was absolutely gorgeous.
And never too crowded. I suppose there were plenty of other attractions around the resort to keep everyone busy. Our kids particularly liked this pool where they could swim up to the bar and order Sprites and Cokes all day long.
We all appreciated time to hang out and relax with friends ...
And family.
Everyone appreciated the all-you-can-eat buffets. And we made good on them. (And NO time spent cooking meals or washing dishes.)
The food settings ranged from sit down, beach formal ...
To poolside service ...
Our two teens and one near-teen especially loved being able to return to the dining hall at 9:30 pm for "second dinner" before bedtime.
Our marathon shopping trip took several hours but the kids enjoyed the fact that there was a bona-fide Domino's Pizza inside the store.
Melissa and I even managed some time alone as a couple as well. (Carnival ships anchor in the harbor just on the other side of our beach's point. Not far, by the way, from where Christopher Columbus established his second settlement in the "New World", La Isabella.)
I was much happier than I look in this picture...
There were lots of little shops to visit and some special surprises, like this pet monkey that Sarah was so excited to hold.
Melissa and Sarah enjoyed taking turns holding Matt and Stacey's sweet little baby Nora.
Caleb's competitive spirit got plenty of exercise.
By the 23rd, we were rested up, overstuffed, and ready to head home for Christmas. Thankfully, the drive back to Vaudreuil wasn't nearly as stressful as the first day. We even made a side stop to get a new bunny for Hannah.

And you know what? The Grandmas couldn't resist sending in a "little something" each. (What a "surprise"!) And our dear friends the Kooikers from Iowa and the Forshees from Florida also sent some special presents, so our tree was far from barren. And Caleb truly impressed Melissa and me by doing his Christmas shopping last summer, getting a little something for each family member, smuggling the gifts into the luggage in August and hiding them until December. We were thankful for each gift and we know the memories from our trip are going to far outlast any battery-powered gizmo from China.
Assuming I can get photos to load, I hope to share a bit more about our Christmas Day and also yesterday's Christmas party with Daniel's kids, but for now I should simply close with a heartfelt Thank You for all you who have financially enabled our ministry in Haiti this past year, all who have come to work alongside us, all who have gone out of their way to show us kindnesses of all sorts and all who have lifted us in prayer.
May you be aware of God's goodness and grace each day of the new year!