We have one more full day before we catch a plane to Indiana. And instead of spending a lot of time rationalizing and apologizing for neglecting this blog for so long, I figured I should post some pictures and see if I can jump-start my blogging again as we head back to Indiana for a few months.
Here are bits and pieces of our last few days at Cowman International School as our second year came to a close last week.
Here's Melissa mixing it up with some of her first graders on the soccer field on our last Friday of classes. The entire school got in on the competition: teachers versus students, students versus parents and ultimately parents versus teachers. |
If you were to assume Melissa couldn't miss kicking a goal this wide open, you might be mistaken... |
There were even a couple of half-time shows, including this one that our Hannah was a part of. |
Haitians can get VERY into a soccer match- as players OR spectators. Ms. Cassie, in the foreground, thoroughly enjoyed the game. |
And then - a MIRACLE. For the first time in the two years we've been scheduling these special end-of-semester matches, the teachers beat the parents. Mr. Reggie scored the winning goal for the teachers and celebrated by pouring water over his own head. (Gatorade is too expensive and too sticky.) |
Last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the students got to put their school uniforms aside and dress up like crazy. And many of the teachers joined in. I think Mr. Ben was going for the classic Urkel look. |
Some sharp dressed students. |
Mrs. Rose and Mr. Reggie. (They don't usually look like this.) |
In the midst of all the fun, there were still snippets of actual learning going on. Here's Mr. Ben working with Melissa's first graders. |
And Ms. Cassie working with my students - asking them to pause and consider what they might be able to do over the summer to come back to Cowman in the fall ready to succeed to an even greater degree. |
Thursday morning was our "Fun in the Sun" day - with water games all morning followed by the raffle drawing that was the main component of a school-wide fundraiser to aid in the summer construction that will be a necessary step in Cowman's continued growth into the high school years.
I spent enough years in youth ministry to know that any student gathering involving water games will start out quietly like this.
And end in a swirl of pandemonium - with the leftover water balloons at its nucleus.
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Our "realistic" fundraising goal was $4,000 and the student incentive was that at that level, our principal Mrs. Bundy would get a bucket of water poured over her head. Our "dream" goal was $8,000 - at which EVERY teacher would get doused.
The students pulled together over $10,000! A big THANK YOU to all who helped exceed our dreams!
Angie and Ms. Cassie delighted in drenching Melissa... |
And Melissa couldn't wait to get me. (Thanks for the picture, Brett!) |
On Friday night, parents, teachers and students gathered on the soccer field for our closing ceremony. My lovely young ladies either hide from the camera or ham it up completely. |
Each class had a chance to perform a song, skit or poem in front of the whole school.
Here's Sarah's teacher, Mrs. Z, introducing the second graders. |
The 8th graders were recognized even though we will not be sending them off this year. These guys will be back next year as Cowman's first official 9th grade class as we inaugurate Cowman High School. As "Valedictorian", Caleb had a chance to give a speech to the assembly. He spoke about the inevitability of change and how even in the midst of change, God is working out His plan. |
What we were using as our stage for the evening will be, God willing, my new classroom come September. Bring on the change! |