Jill and Dan were some of the last folks we got to spend time with in Indiana before we left last August. In the midst of the craziness of last minute packing, they offered a quiet, restful oasis of a pool party - and we were so grateful for it. (I don't think we ever sent a proper thank you, so I will say it here: Thanks So Much!)
Melissa and I enjoyed the chance to relax and chat - and to forget, briefly, all about boxes and driving to Florida and flights ... and the kids totally enjoyed the pool.
They especially got a kick out of swimming with the family dog!

Jill confirmed their trip just a few days ago and already the kids have asked us several times each, "So when exactly do they get here?"
Honestly, we felt a bit left out over Christmas a month ago because it seemed every other missionary here (who didn't go back to the States for a week or two) had a visit from family or friends from back home.
So we are already planning out Jill and Dan's week. We're going to work them as hard as possible and show them every sight we can ... and then send them back to Indiana tired. That's the plan. ;-) Our greatest excitement is that they will get to be a part, even temporarily, of what Christ is doing in this amazing place.
As a bonus, I am willing to personally guarantee that the weather here will be warmer than Indiana EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of their time here. I've put it in writing here and they can hold me to it.
Speaking of weather, Melissa was pointing out tonight that with the wind chill factor expected to hit -40 degrees tomorrow in Indiana, it will feel a full 120 degrees warmer here. One Hundred and Twenty Degrees. At the least!
If that doesn't make YOU want to plan a trip to Haiti for yourself, I don't know what will. Book a flight now for next Christmas. You won't regret it.
And if Christmas is too far off for you - and it truly is - then how about this April? We understand that our good friend Kate is leading a weeklong mission trip again from our home church, Community Church of Columbus, during the week of April 22 to the 30th. If you have interest in joining that team - or even just traveling alongside them and staying in our house with us for the week - shoot me an email (sgross@onemissionsociety.org) or message me or Melissa on Facebook and we'll help get you connected.
Consider this: the way this winter is going, there's no guarantee that there won't still be snow on the ground in April. But you have my word, you will find NO SNOW here.
Pack your flip flops and sunscreen!
And now, to seal the deal, a few pics entitled "Wish You Were Here". ;-)